Sarah Trainor

ACCAP Director, AFSC Principal Investigator, Professor


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Phone:  907-474-7878

Areas of Expertise:
Boundary spanning/co-production of science
Climate adaptation
Climate change
Social science
Stakeholder engagement

IARC projects I'm involved with:

Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

Alaska Fire Science Consortium

Sarah Trainor is an expert in climate change assessment and adaptation in Alaska with specific emphasis on climate and wildfire science communication, application, and stakeholder engagement. Her research interests include human dimensions of global change, especially in the Arctic and northern latitudes, and interdisciplinary assessment of ecosystem services related to global change and mixed subsistence economies in rural Alaska. She is an expert in communicating scientific information to inform planning and decision making in climate change adaptation and natural resource management.

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Graduate Student or Postdoc Advisee(s):

Adelheid Herrmann

Amy Hendricks

Margaret Rudolf